Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Failure to Sleep

“Remember it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird.” That was the only time I ever heard Atticus say it was a sin to do something, and I asked Miss Maudie about it. “Your father’s right,” she said. “Mockingbirds don’t do one thing but make music for us to enjoy . . . but sing their hearts out for us. That’s why it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird.”
(Harper Lee)
If you've seen the movie "Failure to Launch" you know what I mean.
It's only a bird, one solitary bird.
One freakin' solitary bird.
One freakin' solitary bird that can imitate every other bird in the neighborhood, and the dog and the neighbor's cat.
And it sits right outside my bedroom window.
It must be a she. I think it is in love with Tom.
A few months ago, we had a Landsacpe Architect come and draw up a planting plan for our house. One little bone of contention in the plan was the removal of the 16-20 ft Blue Spruce that sits on the corner of my house. I know it has to go, as it grows, it's encroaching my front porch, and damage to the house is a real possibility.
But I love that tree. I can sit on my porch and turn a chair around and hide from everyone that drives by. I have pictures of the kids standing in front of that tree for all the special occasions since I've moved in there.
You know I'm a pack rat and an emotional fool. I just hated the thought of parting with that tree. Last night that all changed. Thanks to the mockingbird.
She started at 10PM, the minute she saw the light in the bedroom go on. She went on all night, in her Obsessive Compulsive three count repertoire. I had all I could do not to go outside with the chainsaw right then and there.
I still haven't resolved myself to the loss of the tree. But today, inbetween raindrops, I am going to climb out my bedroom window, and if there are no babies in the nest, the nest will be gone. The mockingbird will be homeless.
If that doesn't work, I could buy a shotgun.


monica said...

Oh my Lordy!! I LOVE when there is a Lola update, I live for Lola updates. I'm begging you to write a book! I'll buy it, write one just for me?!! I've seen the movie (twice) and we laughed b/c we have the same issue here. Ours isn't in a tree we love though, it's in the back and I've thought more than once about the gun theory!! Mine starts @ 8:30AM, every morning...rain, snow, sleet or hail. (Kinda like the postman) My mother stays here when we're outta town some, she also thinks about using the gun. Drives ya nuts.... ha ha ha.... Oh- I love Lola updates!!

Traci said...

I agree with Natalie, the pellet gun is the best. Especially for the crows!! Mocking birds are ok in my book, but the crows no longer land on our side of the fence!!

Amber said...

I used to throw rotten fruit at a bird near my old apartment. I'm sure a gun would've worked better, but I had to use my resources.

Take more pictures of kids by the tree while you still can.

monica said...

After the big ole meany bird at WDW stealing Andy's churro and then...getting pooped on later by a stinkin' ole bird... He was swearing he was takin' rat poison with us on this trip~